
Seychelles Tourism Ministry to See Reform in 2014

Seychelles Tourism Ministry to See Reform in 2014

In 2014, the tourism ministry of Seychelles will revamp its policies and redirect the flow of authority to ensure that new business practices are being carried out more effectively, eTurbo News reported.

Headed by Minister Alain St. Ange, the island’s Ministry of Tourism and Culture will soon see reform through policy changes, newly set standards and regulations, in addition to new departments.

“The planning of this has been going for quite a while. Many a meeting has taken place and finally the proposed structure has been approved by the Council of Ministers, and it will come into place in the first two months of 2014,” St. Ange said in the report.

“The aim has been to increase productivity and to ensure high performance and the delivery of service within respective departments, and also the delivery of service to our respective public or clients. It is very important that all staff are aware that all their work and performance will be under constant monitoring and evaluation….because this will have a significant impact on end-of-year appraisals,” he added.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will be facilitating music and creative events within the ministry and a result the culture division will be taken over by an agency.

According to eTurbo News, the Seychelles Tourism Board, the National Arts Council (NAC), and the Seychelles Heritage Foundation will merge to become the Creative Industries and National Events Agency (CINEA).

“It is important for me to again re-state to avoid any misunderstanding or misrepresentation. No one, I repeat, no one will be losing their job, their employment through this coming change,” St. Ange continued.

“A new body, a new administration, yes, but every staff member today working at the National Arts Council, the Heritage Foundation, the Events Department at the Seychelles Tourism Board, and the International Conference Centre will be offered a new contract of employment simultaneously as the one body is phased out and the new one created,” he said.

Seychelles is working in collaboration with UNESCO as the organization implemented a cultural protection and promotion policy in 2005. The policy aims to diversify and keep cultural events and happenings — which are supported by the tourism ministry — moving. Next year, the Kreol Institute will become involved in reshaping the ministry’s business order and initiatives.