Add ‘Covid Tongue’ To The Growing List Of Strange Coronavirus Symptoms

Written by Kevin Mwanza
covid tongue
Add ‘Covid Tongue’ To The Growing List Of Strange Coronavirus Symptoms. Photo: British Association of Dermatologists / John Wiley and Sons

Covid-19 came with a myriad of symptoms, some of them as strange as loss of taste and smell, skin rashes and redness and swelling of the feet — also known as “covid toes”.

A British scientist says there is one more strange symptom you need to add to the list and he is calling it “covid tongue” — where infected people are afflicted by tongue discoloration, enlargement and other mouth problems.

Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London is helping to track covid-19 warning signs. He tweeted on Jan. 13 that there has been an increase in patients reporting “covid tongues and strange mouth ulcer”.

“One in five people with covid still present with less common symptoms that don’t get on the official PHE list – such as skin rashes. Seeing increasing numbers of covid tongues and strange mouth ulcers” Spector wrote.

He said he believes that more than a third of covid-19 patients have non-classic symptoms of the disease in the first three days such as skin rashes, covid toes and other warning signs that “go ignored.”

“(It’s) important to draw attention to these, skin rashes, covid toes and the 20+ symptoms of covid that go ignored,” Spector wrote on Twitter in response to a covid tongue photo shared by a follower.

A research paper published in the British Journal of Dermatology in September reported that a considerable number of covid-19 patients were experiencing bumps on their tongue, along with inflammation and swelling.

It showed that 45 percent of the 666 patients analyzed in research at a temporary field hospital in Spain presented some form of mucocutaneous symptoms, which usually appear on areas where mucous membranes and skin meet, like in the mouth.

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Some doctors told that the reason covid tongue had been underreported is that patients come in wearing masks and physicians rarely ask them to take masks off during examination.

“I’ve seen a few,” said Rajeev Fernando, an infectious diseases physician working in field hospitals nationwide. “(Patients) are usually wearing a mask and I don’t ask them to take their mask off,” he added.

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