Ethiopia Looks to Up Energy Production Capacity Via Wind Farms

Written by Makula Dunbar

Though Ethiopia has substantial ground to cover in its efforts to implement efficient renewable energy practices, AFP News Agency reported that the county is well on its way to making a huge impact. Both the Vergnet Groupe and Chinese firms have invested in wind farms which cover the north and southern regions of the country.

“It complements hydropower. When there is wind, usually we can utilize the wind energy and save the water from our dumps. So, during dry season, we’ll have a complemented resource that can provide energy to our national grid, Mulu Bayray, technology advisor of Ashegoda Wind Farm said in the AFP video.

A 120MW wind farm and a soon-to-launch 204MW site are few of many planned farms that will contribute to Ethiopia’s 10,000MW capacity goal to be reached by 2015. The energy boost would increase access for roughly 50 percent of Ethiopians who lack energy resources.

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