10 Detox Spices To Help You During The Holidays

Written by Julia Austin

You may not be able to cut out the pies, the hearty stews, the holiday-themed cocktails and the gooey mashed potatoes, but there is something you can add to your holiday meals that will (sort of) make the other staples a little healthier. These 10 detox spices will make your hearty meals with family and friends healthier and give you the right energy to start a new year.




Toss this into the salsas on the appetizer table. Sometimes called “Chinese parsley,” this spice helps with mercury detoxification. If you’re eating at a lot of buffets during the holidays, you’ll likely eat more fish than usual, which means high levels of mercury. Too much mercury in your system can lead to fatigue and digestive issues.




This spice gained fame because of its crucial role in the Master Cleanse Diet, but you can eat it even with solid food. This hot spice aids digestion and promotes movement in your intestine, plus it helps your body better absorb nutrients.



Curcumin is another detoxifier that can reduce mercury damage. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Curcumin is actually a part of the popular Asian spice turmeric, so curry lovers get a lot of the stuff.




Add it to your after-meal tea, or grab a ton of it for the sushi appetizers being passed around at the party. Ginger is another antioxidant and it has anti-inflammatory properties. When combined with thyme, ginger provides detoxifying effects and can even reduce alcohol toxicity.




Smother this on your chicken, or seep it in your tea. Rosemary extract could protect the liver and stomach against carcinogenic and toxic ingredients.




This is pretty easy to come across during the holidays, so be generous with it in your hot chocolate and on your pie. Some studies found that cinnamon might reduce inflammation in the body, plus the spice might have antioxidant effects and fight bacteria.



If you’re making Italian recipes during the holidays, load up on the garlic. Garlic is a great source of sulfur, which plays a crucial role in “phase two” of detoxification—during this phase toxic substances are excreted from your body.




Cloves have several benefits but the two main detoxifying ones are that it is a carminative, and an expectorant. Carminatives prevent gas from forming in the gastrointestinal tract and expectorants can help clear mucus—something you might experience a lot of after drinking lots of eggnog.



Found in paella and a lot of Thai dishes, saffron is an antioxidant and can help eliminate free radicals from the body. It can also act as a stimulant to speed up elimination of mucus from the body.




Horseradish stimulates all of your elimination systems. It acts as a cholagogue for your digestion. A what? Yes, it’s a new word for most of us. Meaning it promotes the flow of bile from the gallbladder into the intestine and it encourages the liver to detoxify the blood. It also has diuretic and stimulant effects that can clear the nasal passages and stimulate circulation.

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