
Best Places To See Gorillas In Africa

Best Places To See Gorillas In Africa

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Gorillas are some of the world’s most fascinating animals – their genetic and behavioral similarities to humans have captivated researchers (and really everyone) for years. The largest populations of gorillas can be found in Africa, and thereis a wide variety of species. Endangered mountain gorillas can really only be found in Rwanda, Uganda, and bits of the Democratic Republic of Congo, while Cross River and Western or Eastern lowland gorillas can be found in more eastern countries.


Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)
For mountain gorillas, the ancient forest of Bwindi in Uganda almost always tops the list. It’s referred to as impenetrable due to the incredibly dense canopy that blocks light in many areas, but the forest is actually very accessible to visitors. It is the only place in East or Central Africa where you get the bonus of seeing mountain gorillas cohabiting in the same environments, as well as hundreds of other species of animals and plants.


Mgahinga National Park (Uganda)
As the smallest national park in Uganda, Mgahinga makes up for its size with breathtaking beauty and incredible biodiversity. Set against a backdrop of three of the sixpeaks of the Virunga volcanoes, Mgahinga houses a portion of the Virunga mountain gorilla habitats, playing host to 380 gorillas that roam there. The park also has the bonus of incredible scenery for hiking, meaning if you don’t manage to spot a gorilla, you’ll probably get other benefits.


Parc Nationale des Volcans (Rwanda)
Another one of the Virunga parks, this time over the Northwest Rwandan border, the Parc Nationale des Volcans (or Volcano Park) is habitat for some of the mountain gorillas that wander the slopes of the volcanoes. You’ll also get the added bonus of seeing breathtaking solidified lava flow, bamboo and evergreen forests, and incredible biodiversity.


Parc Nationale des Virunga (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
The last of the Virunga parks that plays host to the region’s mountain gorillas is the Parc Nationale des Virunga in the Democratic Republic of Congo, also providing access to the amazing views of the Virunga volcanoes. It’s said that it’s a bit easier to get permits to enter the DRC park than the others as it is lesser known, meaning the land is nearly untouched and preserved.


Cross River National Park (Nigeria)
To see some of the other majestic species of gorilla in Africa, look no further than Nigeria’s Cross River National Park. Home to one of the largest western gorilla populations on the continent (not to mention thousands of chimpanzees and other primates), the park’s mix of tropical rainforest and savannah are perfect for the gorillas to roam. The population is threatened by hunters and loggers who systematically destroy gorilla habitats. Nigeria has been making a big push to increase its ecotourism industry to combat this.


Campo Ma’an National Park (Cameroon)
Campo Ma’an National Park is a biodiversity hotspot, with hundreds of animal and plant species. Its proximity to another reserve, the Rio Campo Equatorial Guinea, allows for increased mobility for its western lowland gorilla population, allowing it to flourish and better withstand threats. Ecotourism is in its early stages in Campo Ma’an park as well, and it is hoped that as it grows, so too will the gorilla populations..


Lopé National Park (Gabon)
Lopé National Park in Gabon is unique in its terrain, as it represents one of the last grass savannahs created by the last Ice Age. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it enjoys better protection than many other national parks, for which its western lowland gorilla population has benefited immensely.


Dzanga-Ndoki National Park (Central African Republic)
The northern section of Dzanga-Ndoki National Park is famous for its high density of western lowland gorillas – estimated to number 1.6 individuals per kilometer. A dense forest environment is home to the Bai-Hokou group created by the World Wildlife Federation years ago, and they have a high probability of being spotted by visitors on any given day.


Nouabal-Ndoki National Park (Republic of the Congo)
Western lowland gorillas live in the tropical rainforests of the Republic of Congo’s Nouabal-Ndoki National Park, mainly in the Mbeli Bai section. Special infrastructure has been developed to make it easier for visitors to spot them without disturbing their natural habitat, and the result has been a boom in ecotourism. Sightings are frequent.


Maiombe Forest (Angola)
The Maiombe Forest is the only place to spot western lowland gorillas in Angola. The Cabinda enclave at the northern end of Angola near the River Congo is less developed than other parks. While the trek might be more difficult, the land is that much more splendid and breathtaking in its untouched beauty. Preservation efforts have been underway for years in conjunction with the surrounding countries, and it is hoped the gorilla population will thrive in the coming years