Demo Africa a Success in Kenya, Further Reveals Tech Promise

Written by Makula Dunbar

October 24, at Demo Africa , techies and venture capitalists from across the continent joined together to witness the introduction of products and start-ups to be potentially funded and launched. The Safaripark Hotel & Casino in Nairobi, Kenya played host to the event where entrepreneurs had six minutes to present their tech business pitches.

Voices of America reported that pitches for everything from hardware streaming videos, news and other content to social networks, e-commerce sites, games and mobile money payment systems were showcased.

More than 300 applicants from various African countries were narrowed down to 40 after going through addition evaluations and problem-solving preparation Harry Hare, Demo Africa event producer said.

“You get a black box, plug it into your TV set, put it into power, it connects to a Wi-Fi network and basically starts streaming content. So you get to choose what you want to watch on demand, you have a remote control, search, press ‘ok’ and you’re good to go,” Kahenya Kamunya, Abe Wireless CEO told Voice of America elaborating on the company’s on-demand media player.

The hardware is manufactured in Kenya and sold for under $100, according to the report. Through the gadget, users can also enjoy internet access by linking the device to a Wi-Fi network.

“If you don’t have access to Internet and there’s no existing infrastructure there, we bring the infrastructure to your neighborhood and this device will be able to connect to our infrastructure, so you’ll ideally just need the box,” Kamunya added.

Nigerian tech entrepreneur Bayo Puddicombe presented his “bus-driving game”/mobile money platform ChopUP, which allows developers to make and receive money linking the platform with existing mobile money payment systems, he explained.

Puddicombe initially made the app available in the Nokia mobile store for $1. After realizing that most users didn’t have a credit card to purchase ChopUP, he restructured the payment system which has also been redesigned for use through the app.





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