Uganda Uses Tech To Curb Violent Crime

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Photo by Gloria/Flickr

Uganda President Yoweri Museveni announced two weeks ago is considering a plan to install electronic tracking vehicles and motor cycles.

This is the initiative that Uganda is considering to solve of crime that has beleaguered the country since 2012.

From the East African. Story By Dicta Asiimwe.

During a speech addressing leaders of the National Resistance Movement, President Museveni also said that thieves who had been caught on a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera killing a boda boda rider in order to steal his motor cycle had been arrested.

Following the murder of Ibrahim Abiriga, the Arua municipality Member of Parliament and maverick NRM supporter who always wore yellow to depict his devotion a year ago, President Museveni decided it was time for Uganda to splurge on security camera.

So far, Uganda has borrowed, Ush438.5 billion ($119.3 million) for the installation of cameras in Kampala and its surrounding areas.

The gruesome CCTV video that President Museveni was hailing for exposing criminals was, however, captured by a private camera.

Read more at East African.

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