Ex-FBI official Goes There, Calls Trump ‘Recruiter-In-Chief’ For U.S. White Terrorist Movement

Written by Isheka N. Harrison
By Autumn Keiko

Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, told everyone how he really feels about Donald Trump this week. In a recent interview with Joy-Ann Reid on MSNBC, Figliuzzi called Trump out for his failure to address the role his anti-immigrant and racist rhetoric played in the recent mass shootings, reported Raw Story.

He said radical Trump supporters need to hear a rebuke from him in order to diffuse the uptick in hatred and white nationalism.

“They need to hear the recruiter-in-chief, the radicalizer-in-chief condemn them in order to break that chain of radicalization,” he explained while discussing the growing white nationalist movement,” Figliuzzi told Reid.

He also penned op-eds in the New York Times in which he predicted there would be more race-based violence before the shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

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“Now, my instinct and experience tell me that El Paso will not be the end of it, and that we are headed for more hate-based violence potentially stoked by a divisive president,” Figliuzzi wrote.

He criticized Trump for falling short in owning his role in inspiring white nationalists to be violent.

“Yes, President Trump has fallen short of calling for violence against minorities and immigrants. And yes, he condemned racist violence and white supremacy on Monday. But he has yet to apologize for painting people of color as outsiders and invaders, for calling for them to be sent back to where they came from, and for asserting that no humans would want to live in certain American cities. As a consequence, he has given license to those who feel compelled to eradicate what Mr. Trump himself has called an infestation’l Figliuzzi added.

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