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Best Stories Today

Monday 06.03.2019

Jay-Z Is Officially The First Hip-Hop Artist To Become A Billionaire, Forbes Says

Jay-Z has accumulated a fortune that conservatively totals $1 billion, becoming the first hip-hop artist to do so, and one of just a handful of entertainers to become a billionaire, Forbes reported.

Police Post Racist And Violent Messages On Facebook, A Review Shows

The proof is in the posting. That’s what a recent study revealed about some police officers’ racist and violent views against citizens they are supposed to protect and serve.

Kevin Hill Is Leading The Charge Towards A Post-Click Intelligence World In Digital Advertising, On Mogul Watch

Artificial intelligence and data analytics are increasingly used to segment campaigns for personalized and behavior-based marketing. Brands are relying more than ever on technology to get the highest return on investment for their marketing budgets.

10 Things To Know About Mati Diop

French actress and film director Mati Diop and her film about African migrants have made history at the Cannes Film Festival. Diop has become the first Black women director ever to compete for the top prize at Cannes in its 72-year history. She took home the second prize Grand Prix for her haunting movie “Atlantics (Atlantique).”

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Facial Recognition Entrepreneur Brian Brackeen Settles Lawsuits With Kairos, The Company He Founded

Kairos, the Miami facial recognition company, and its founder and former CEO, Brian Brackeen, announced today that they have dropped pending lawsuits against one another and have reached a settlement.