25 Ethereum Quotes

Written by Leela Sanikop

1. “When I came up with Ethereum, my first first thought was, ‘OK, this thing is too good to be true.’ As it turned out, the core Ethereum idea was good – fundamentally, completely sound.”

-Vitalik Buterin

2. “Ethereum exists because it enables developers to write smart contracts better than Bitcoin in the near-term. Zcash will exist because it will attempt to do privacy better than Bitcoin in the near-term, and the token gives you access to the anonymity protocol.”

– Nick Tomaino

3.”Initially, I thought that Ethereum was a thing that would be used for people to write simple financial scripts. As it turns out, people are writing stuff like Augur on top of it.”

– Vitalik Buterin

4.”Make no mistake – Ethereum would never have existed without Bitcoin as a forerunner. That said, I think Ethereum is ahead of Bitcoin in many ways and represents the bleeding edge of digital currency.”

– Fred Ehrsam

5.”If you want to buy $10 of Ethereum and poke around with smart contracts, I encourage that. But use it as a technology, not as an investment, unless you know what you’re doing.”

– Olaf Carlson-Wee

6.”It’s clear to me now that Ethereum is the new currency of the Internet. It’s way ahead of where Paypal was in its day, and it’s much more exciting to its customers than Paypal ever was.”

– Gil Penchina

7.”There is nothing that Bitcoin can do which Ethereum can’t. While Ethereum is less battle-tested, it is moving faster, has better leadership, and has more developer mindshare.”

-Fred Ehrsam

8.”A token like ethereum has gone up 10 times faster than bitcoin, and it’s fueling an ICO bubble no different then the dot-com IPOs of the late ’90s.”

– Tone Vays

9.”Working on Ethereum could be similar to working at a Google: lower risk with broad impact right away. Working on a token is similar to working on a startup: higher risk and lower initial impact but higher upside potential.”

– Fred Ehrsam

10.”Ethereum may make monetary policy decisions like, ‘Let’s do 1% inflation to support the ongoing development of the Ethereum protocol.’ A token built on Ethereum might want to do the same.”

– Fred Ehrsam

11.”The technical side of Ethereum’s efficacy is 100% an engineering exercise.”

– Vitalik Buterin

12.The most objective measurement we have is that the market actually valued the two split Ethereums more than it valued the one original Ethereum; the market viewed it as a good thing, and I don’t see it as any sort of disaster whatsoever.”

– Roger Ver

13.“Like Bitcoin, there is little stopping Ethereum from being an alternative currency to fiat and commodity currencies. You can conceivably trade anything using Ethereum, but this is not Ethereum’s strength in comparison to other cryptocurrencies – they can all do this. It’s rather the computing language that allows the smart contracts to exist that makes Ethereum more valuable than BTC (in my opinion).”

– Jeff Reed

14.“In essence, the fundamental benefits of investing into Ethereum is the cryptographic nature, it’s anonymity, it’s universality, it’s divisibility, and most specifically, it’s coding language which specifically targets it for automated transactions and contracts.”

– Jeff Reed

15.“With that said, if you were to be a long-term investor in Ethereum, you have to focus on the long-term timeline, with short-term volatility being a necessary even to find traction within the market, and for value to solidify. Thus, if you believe that the demand for Ethereum will be higher in one, two, five, or ten years (your duration in which you plan to hold), then you need not worry about the fluctuations that occur in the interim.”

– Jeff Reed

16.“Ethereum and banks Now you may wonder as to what impact Ethereum has on banks and vice versa, well, Ethereum is said to be a great influence on banks. As you know, banks put in a lot of effort towards safeguarding their customers; money and interest. This can lead to high cost of maintenance. By switching to Ethereum, banks have the chance to save on some of these costs and also provide high-level safety through the use of Blockchains. Many banks including HSBC, Barclays and other such have joined hands with R3, a company that is testing out Blockchains for banks. Once they manage to set up the systems, banks will find it easier to provide customers with the choice to deal in ETH.”

– Mark Fisher

17.“Not everyone would associate Ethereum with investing in gold, but that is exactly one of its uses. Using a process developed by Digix, users can use tokens to buy gold on the Ethereum blockchain. How does this work? Using the Digix app, you can exchange either Ether or fiat currency (real-life money) with gold tokens. This gold is linked to the Singaporean gold vault through a complex crypto-code. Whenever the user wants, they can switch their gold tokens for actual pieces of gold without needing to go through an intermediary or paying any large fees. This also opens up the possibility of creating similar processes for all sorts of commodities.”

– Ikuya Takashima

18.”We set up a small bitcoin and ethereum mining operation… that miraculously now is actually making a lot of money.”

– Abigail Johnson

19.”When you drill down, blockchains are really a shared version of reality everyone agrees on. So whether it’s a fully immersive VR experience, augmented reality, or even Bitcoin or Ethereum in the physical world as a shared ledger for our ‘real world,’ we’ll increasingly trust blockchains as our basis for reality.”

– Fred Ehrsam

20.”I love this stuff – bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain technology – and what the future holds.”

– Abigail Johnson

21.”Ethereum has taken what was a four-function calculator of a programming language in Bitcoin and turned it into a full-fledged computer.”

– Fred Ehrsam

22.”Although the Ethereum blockchain is a public blockchain, it is great to see private and consortium blockchains using the Ethereum code base actively under development.”

– Vitalik Buterin

23.”Working on a token is similar to working on a startup: higher risk and lower initial impact but higher upside potential. How core protocol work is best funded beyond the initial Ethereum Foundation endowment is an open question, but likely further out.”

– Fred Ehrsam

24.”If you look at the market cap of Ethereum before the hard fork and the split into Ethereum Classic, the combined market cap of Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is greater than the market cap before the split – and everybody got what they want.”

– Roger Ver

25.”Polychain is investing in blockchain assets. We do not invest in private companies or hold shares in private companies. We invest purely in tokens or digital assets, and those include assets that people are familiar with, like bitcoin and ethereum, as well as very early-stage projects.”

– Olaf Carlson-Wee

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