The World’s Most Powerful Kids

Written by Keren Mikva

Some say that power can go to your head, but what if the head is pint-sized because it belongs to a kid? It’s hard enough to wield power and influence as a full-fledged adult, but other kinds of issues arise from a child being put in the hot seat. Some handle it more gracefully than others, and some haven’t been tested yet. Here’s a look at some of the most powerful kids on the planet.

Sasha and Malia Obama
Sasha and Malia Obama

Sasha and Malia Obama
While they’re not in line to take over as leaders of the free world (democracy don’t work like that, folks), they are some of the most influential kids in the U.S., along with the Western world. More than just their fashion choices or grades in school, their every move is watched and broadcast to the world. The Obama girls have the power to direct international discussion, whether it be about education, gun violence or environmental issues, and that is a weapon not to be taken lightly.

The Royal Baby himself (with Mom)

Prince George Alexander Louis Mountbatten-Windsor (a.k.a. The Royal Baby)
The most-watched pregnancy award has to go to Kate Middleton and her bump, Prince George. Though he was just born in July, he is not too far from top-of-the-line to the throne. And while the English monarchy is more of a figurehead than a policy-making body, it remains a powerful diplomatic position. Plus, the number of Prince George pieces of paraphernalia sold before he was even born shows this boy’s got some sway.

Prince Hisahito

Prince Hisahito of Akishino
Born in 2006, 13-year-old Prince Hisahito of Akishino is third in line to become Emperor of Japan. While at the moment his interests run more towards playing outside and gardening, he will one day ascend the throne. Although the position is ceremonial, it also serves as the highest authority of the Shinto religion – plus gets a national holiday in honor of his birthday.

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai isn’t royalty, and she has no connections to famous celebrities or political figures. She is a young girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban in Afghanistan for promoting education for Pakistani girls, and lived. But while her story is inspirational, the power came afterwards when she was invited to speak at the United Nations on her 16th birthday. She called on world leaders to provide “free, compulsory education” for every child in the world, and we can hope that her call is heeded. Oh yeah, and she also won a Children’s Peace Prize.

Kim Jong-un

Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un has aged out of being considered a “kid” by most standards, but when you become the supreme ruler of arguably one of the most hostile countries on the planet, exceptions can be made. Also, while he’s threatening the Western world with nuclear weapons, he’s bringing Dennis Rodman through to fulfill the dreams of every little basketball fan across the world. So yeah, he makes the list.

Prince Hridayendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal

Prince Hridayendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev of Nepal
This 13-year-old isn’t powerful in the traditional sense of the word, but rather what he represents for his (former) country of Nepal. Prince Hridayendra was second in the line of succession to the Nepalese throne until the monarchy was abolished in 2008. He represents the significance of Nepal’s move to a democratic parliamentary system, and has since gone to live in Singapore with his family.

Bobby Tufts

Bobby Tufts
Little Bobby Tufts was recently re-elected mayor of Dorset, Minnesota, despite the fact that he is 4 years old. Though his domicile only consists of 28 people or so, he still gets to plan the annual scavenger hunt (most likely with the help of mom). The most interesting part of this election is that citizens of Dorset pay $1 per vote, and can vote as many times as they want. So basically, Bobby controls the only oligarchy in America.

Hussein bin Abdullah, Crown Prince of Jordan

Hussein bin Abdullah, Crown Prince of Jordan
Hussein bin Abdullah was named Crown Prince in 2009, and is heir apparent to the throne in Jordan. He’s already begun serving as regent on occasions when the king is out of the country, and his role will be far from ceremonial when he becomes king. But even now, he holds the rank of first lieutenant in the Jordanian armed forces, and has served on official and military missions.

Blue Ivy Carter

Blue Ivy Carter
I’m sorry, I tried to stay away from pop culture references. But if your parents are Jay-Z and Beyonce, you win.

Willow Smith

Willow Smith
And anybody who can whip their hair like that at the age of 10, same goes.

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