Mother-Daughter Tech Team In Seed Funding, Perfect The Art Of Ask-And-You-Shall-Receive

Written by Dana Sanchez

In case you missed the recent 500 Startups Unity and Inclusion Summit (Atlanta) at TechSquare Labs, we’ve got you covered. was in Atlanta for the event, which provided a forum for some of the newest ideas around reversing inequality in tech. This is the sixth in a series of Moguldom videos from 500 Startups Unity and Inclusion Summit (Atlanta), June 10, 2017.

Ask and you shall receive.

That turned out to be a winning strategy for Kerry Schrader and Ashlee Ammons, CEO and COO of tech startup Mixtroz.

The mother-and-daughter team are in the seed round of funding for Mixtroz, the platform they created to help people connect in real time at live events just like the one we’re attending — the 500 Startups Unity And Inclusion Summit in Atlanta.

“We have proven our concept, we have a product on the market and we’re selling it,” Ashlee said. “So we’re here to connect with people that can help us scale.”

Mixtroz is all about taking people from the digital space — their mobile phones — to the physical space to meet people (not profiles) in real time, “and then give our clients data on the back end,” Ashlee said.

You’ll know them by their T-shirts, emblazoned in white and gold lettering against a black background with five simple words that state who they are and what they want:




Fund Me

But there’s more to their in-your-face approach than meets the eye.

Women-led startups that receive funding generate a 35-percent higher return on investment and generate 12 percent higher revenue than men, according to TechCo.

Yet black women are probably the most under-funded entrepreneurs in tech. Just 0.2 percent of venture funding in the last three years went to black women startup founders, according to #ProjectDiane, a new research study led by Digital Undivided about the state of black women in tech entrepreneurship in the U.S.

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