Seedstars Africa Summit Bringing Together The Continent’s Best Tech Startups In December

Written by Peter Pedroncelli

The Seedstars Africa Summit will be bringing together the best tech startup talent from around the African continent in December.

The third annual Seedstars Africa Summit will take place on Dec. 14 in Mozambique, with all of the winners of the various Seedstars World competitions throughout Africa attending the event, according to ITWebAfrica.

Seedstars World, which describes itself as the world’s biggest startup competition in emerging markets, holds these events in around 70 countries before winners are selected to take part in a grand final.

The winner of the competition in each African nation will join other Seedstars country-winners at the final event in Switzerland during April next year, where they will deliver pitches that could potentially earn them up to $1 million in equity investments and prizes, according to Seedstars.

Seedstars Africa Summit bringing tech startups together

The Seedstars Africa Summit serves as a platform through which tech entrepreneurs in Africa and around the world are given the chance to network, with startups from the 20 African countries involved in the Seedstars competition benefiting from the initiative and exposure.

Claudia Makadristo, Seedstars World regional manager for Africa, is excited by the depth of talent that has been identified among the tech startups throughout the continent.

“During 2017 we got to witness growing ecosystems, better start-ups and more involvement from the public and private partners,” Makadristo said, according to Technomag.

“We are very excited to be able to bring the entire network together in Mozambique in December and together look into some of the opportunities of the continent and explore how technologies can rapidly improve the current status quo in emerging markets worldwide,” she added.

“Seedstars World is now bringing together these entrepreneurs together with ecosystem players, mentors, investors and corporates from across the African continent,” she said.

Seedstars country winners have already been selected from Mozambique, Tunisia, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Rwanda, Angola, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Mali and Botswana, according to Ventureburn.

Representatives from those startups will attend the summit in Mozambique, which is to be hosted by local ambassador UX Information Technologies and supported by main sponsor, Standard Bank, along with other partners including the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, UNFPA, Merck, Enel, TRECC, Microsoft, Orange, GSMA and VC4A, to name a selection.

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