Do Wildebeest Hunt In Packs? Wildlife Guide Talks About Human And Animal Behavior On Safari

Written by Karen Elowitt

Wildlife guide talks about human and animal behavior on safari

Wildlife photography is all about being able to read animal behavior, says Cape Town-based James Suter, a photo and video safari guide. But sometimes human behavior is equally fascinating. “We often chuckle at what clients say,” he told he told AFKTravel. Like “’Do wildebeest hunt in packs?” African wildlife guides have be tolerant and careful to not criticize humans unaccustomed to the wild. “There is often fear as the reality of what they are seeing hits them. Everyone who goes on safari wants to see a kill, then the most gruesome kill occurs in front of them and half the vehicle is in tears or wants to leave. Or we’ll come around a corner and see lions, and the guests will cower and hide.”



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