Road Less Traveled: Head East Out Of Accra To Explore Ghana’s Volta Region

Written by Staff

Explore Ghana’s Volta region

Since Ghana’s most famous attractions are its slave forts and beaches, tourists tend to head west out of Accra and don’t explore Ghana’s Volta region. If you head east, you’ll find yourself in the Volta region, one of Ghana’s most fascinating and beautiful. The accommodation will often be of a lower standard, but you’ll see fewer tourists and enjoy spectacular surroundings and some great birdlife. Xavi, one of Ghana’s birdwatching hotspots, is an area of protected wetland and savannah that’s home to 90 bird species including pygmy kingfisher, emerald cuckoo and yellow-crowned gonolek. Guests explore by canoe with a guide, floating peacefully down the Lotor river that fringes the reserve. Even if you aren’t interested in birds it’s a wonderful trip that ends at an impressive stand of 60 baobab trees.


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