Ghana Company Helping Transform World’s Healthcare Systems

Written by Steven J. Smith

ClaimSync of Ghana has come up with a solution to the dizzying problem of processing blizzards of medical claim paperwork that plague African healthcare providers and the patients they serve.

“The population and healthcare market in Africa is growing rapidly and more people are taking up health insurance,” said ClaimSync CEO Seth Akumani. “This means more claims, and a huge opportunity.”

Founded in 2011, The company has developed software allowing for a more streamlined form of electronic record management, Akumani said. Its application is designed to reduce the volume of paperwork, lessen the processing time of claims, speed up delays in reimbursements, and eliminate the myriad data entry errors and labor costs traditionally associated with paper-based medical claims.

“ClaimSync offers hospitals and insurers in Africa a platform that allows them to prepare, submit and receive electronic medical claims,” Akumani said. “Our software removes the need for paper claims, significantly speeding up the process by at least 30 percent.”

African hospitals and other healthcare providers use ClaimSync methodology to automate the management and processing of patients’ medical records. The company has also devised a related platform for insurance payers. Together, these strategies help reduce costs, cut down on errors and improve overall efficiency in processing medical claims.

ClaimSync was represented recently at the HealthXL Global Gathering, a global digital health mentor network event that took place in Dublin, Ireland. The event’s purpose was to identify some of the most ambitious healthcare startups from around the world and work with them to create and nurture innovative ideas and technologies which would in turn transform the world’s healthcare systems.

The event included influential leaders in the digital healthcare market as well as investors looking for the latest innovations and technologies. ClaimSync was the first African healthcare company ever to take part in the event. Akumani saw that as a major step forward in his company’s quest to make a difference, both in his country and on the world stage.

“You won’t find any team that’s as committed to working together to improve healthcare in Africa as us,” Akumani said. “Think about what we can do with all the data.”

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